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運動無線藍芽耳機推介 Lavanda LUNE: Wireless ANC Earbuds

Lavanda LUNE: Wireless ANC Earbuds
- Active Noise Cancelling(ANC)
- Ambient Mode
- Secure Fit
- IP66
- 45 Hour Battery
- Full Touch Control

首先就要講下做運動又想用藍芽耳機嘅朋友(我), 通常最驚係咩?
- 容易跌機
- 唔防水, 易壞
- 音質唔好
- 塞耳仔跑步唔安全
- 叉電後儲電量唔夠用
- 操作麻煩

經過Extreme環境試用之下, 今次推介一款耳機比大家, 相信佢係可以一次過解答晒你嘅擔憂!

1. Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
Lavanda Lune has Internal and external microphones monitor sounds in your environment and in your ear canal and produce an opposite signal to cancel out unwanted noise.
好多人都會話, 用左ANC音質就變差? 坦白講, 我都幾鍾意ANC呢個功能, 因為完全有一種靜修感覺, 帶你去左另一個世界一樣, 係正呀! Lavanda Lune具有內部和外部microphones,同時監測著身邊環境及耳道中的聲音,並產生相反的信號以消除不想要的噪音。
- 現場環境安全? 如何響室內、公園又或者係安全路跑情況之下, 我都會用ANC
- 身處一個比較嘈雜的環境(響巴士有人試電話聲/大聲錄音時),你又唔想不停調高音量,ANC就要出場啦。

2. Ambient Mode
Tired of having to keep one earbud off while running? The enhanced Ambient Mode is designed to intelligently allow enough ambient noise in so you can remain alert for a safer experience during activities like commuting or exercising outdoors near busy streets. Reconnect with your surroundings, safely. Or you can tune it all out by switching to Active Noise Cancellation Mode with just the touch of a button.
點解明明聽緊歌,都需要聽到周圍環境聲音? 因為係安全起見,例如當你路跑或者騎單車時, 呢個功能就非常有用了。

3. Secure Fit
Running, dancing, boxing, or simply changing your outfit after a long, tiring day? Lavanda Lune's snug fit and never-drop design gives you one less thing to worry about. Unique Screw-in lock, stable and comfortable.
一聽到無線, 最驚係...跌左, 唔知去邊到搵返果粒耳機?! 不過Lavanda Lune就唔怕呢個情況出現啦, 因為佢有個獨特設計, 就係你戴左之後, 只要將耳機向後扭一扭, 大約20度, 就會feel到佢響耳仔到lock實左, 咁就唔怕跌左都唔知啦。

4. IP66
Get world's highest waterproof rating you can find in ANC earbuds. We've spent months working hard to create the best earbuds for all of your active needs. Sweaty runs, sudden heavy downpours, or the occasional beach wave, nothing can stop you.
現時響ANC耳機入面, Lavanda Lune係擁有最高防塵防水等級 IP66 防塵防水等級,就算你係大汗者,甚至連打風落雨運動戴住佢都冇問題。

5. 45 Hour Battery
With just a single full charge of the case, you're able to enjoy a full weekend outdoors without plugging in! Leave your power banks at home and just enjoy your time.
跑跑下冇電? 咁掃興嘅事係唔會再出現啦, 因為只要你full charge the case, 係差不多夠用一個星期架啦。

6. Absolute comfort
With absolutely no extra fixed structures, coated polymer gives you just the ideal smoothness you need. What's more, we include 3 different sizes of 2 different shaped tips to give you flexibility in finding the perfect, custom match.
耳機設計上並沒有多餘的結構,亦用了塗層聚合物增加耳機表面平滑度。另外你在包裝內會發現有3種不同尺寸(S/M/L), 2款不同形狀的配件,足以令你自行配搭一個最舒適的配搭。

7. Bluetooth 5.0
With lower latency in the latest version Bluetooth 5.0, automatically pair your devices for an exceptionally fluid experience. Looking for the best real-time sound with simultaneous picture? Lavanda Lune is your best choice.
最新版本的藍牙5.0, 連接速度超級流暢
